Service – general information

“BUMAR-KOSZALIN” company provides professional maintenance and service of all manufactured firefighting vehicles and superstructures. WISS provides professional diagnostic services, repairs and painting. What is more, WISS offers vehicles accident damage repairs.

 WISS has a very modern machine park, which allows us to perform each task perfectly. Our well-skilled and experienced staff will not only identify faults but make all the customers feel satisfied, too.

Service includes:


  • Constant availability of spare parts in the warranty period;
  • availability of spare parts for 15 years from the purchase;
  • engineering, technical and service support during the product’s lifetime;
  • modification and modernization of a vehicle is possible any time;
  • accident-damage repairs;
  • flexible conditions which ensure optimal quality of services in a given country;

The high quality and reliability of our firefighting vehicles is our priority. Thanks to a modern service workshop we are able to undertake
all orders. Our servicing policy aims at a professional approach towards clients and their full satisfaction.